Thursday, September 29, 2016

Verbal Landscapes

I interact with nature by going outside and being be things that civilization has not touched very much. Nature impacts my life because nature is calming to me and peaceful. It's also a place where you can be you and express your self. It's also help me forget about any stress or problems I could be having. Nature is a place where i'm not afraid or impressed to be myself.

Environmental tripods are objects that nature proved that keep the camera still while film. Environmental tripods are important when filming timelapses and slow-mos because when filming every shake of the camera is shown when your when you speed up the clips. Slow-mos are still important to make sure that your shots are still because when slowing it down shows all mistakes that you could have made and not released.

The hardest part of this project for me was editing. Editing was hard for me because it's just really time consuming. Because the clips where so long it takes final cut pro a long time for it to load. When the clips don't load quickly it takes time away which i could be using to improve and make it better. My favorite part of this project was filming the timelapses and slow-mos. That was my favorite part of filming was I got to do it with friends.

When reviewing my project I saw thing that I could have fixed. Reviewing our projects is us filling out a grading sheet when watching our videos and determine peoples grades. My video 2 people said my video was excellent, 14 said I met our goal, and 11 said I was developing. I personally gave myself a 2 because I saw some things that I wasn't happy with. For example some of the words timing was a little off. but overall I'm happy how smooth this project went.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Poetic Personal Statement

 Poetry is how a person expresses how they feel. People write poetry different. Some may use sentence, some may rhyme, and others may just be a long sentence. Poetry can be personal by if someone is feeling a certain mood they well express themselves and their feelings on paper. For example if someone is sad or depressed there poem will probably be sad or depressed.It's a great way to express yourself with out being judged.

Glam can be bland
But if I was a designer cloths would be finer
Designers give the world a whirl
And I would do it with a single curl
The world will admire
The newest fashion designer

Rhythm is a strong or regularly repeated pattern pattern of sound or movement. Rhyme is a strong or regularly repeated pattern pattern of sound or movement. For my poetic statement I used rhyme.